3SAE PentaPod Fusion Splicer (PFS) is the world’s first table-top fusion splicer that provides capabilities that overcome the limitations of current angle critical fusion splicing processes to meet the most demanding requirements for the high-power fiber laser component
fabrication. The PFS is a semi-automated fusion splicing station that provides a far greater range of positional adjustment than conventional splicers. The PFS was specially designed for volume production, repeatability, precision, and user-friendly operation while maintaining unprecedented splice quality. The PFS leverages 3SAE’s patented PentaPod® alignment stages that offers 12 separate positional axes allowing unprecedented control of the material being spliced and the latest 3rd generation Ring of Fire® heat source which provides a highly controllable plasma field that
completely encapsulates the component being spliced and provide uniform circumferential heat distribution facilitating consistent and repeatable fusion splicing process. With the combination of a precision mechanical design, high contrast optics, absolute control of relative positional and angular alignment, and a next generation highly stable ROF® plasma source, sets the 3SAE PentaPod Fusion Splicer apart from any existing technologies.
• Specifically designed to accurately splice end-caps to fibers for R&D and production environments.
• The unique, patented PentaPod® alignment stages are compact, rigid, and stable.
• Individual alignment in X, Y, and Z as well as Pitch, Yaw, and Theta yielding 6-axes of motion control (X, Y, Z, Xϴ, Yϴ, Zϴ) per side.
• ±6mm of relative linear alignment (X, Y, Z axes) with positional accuracy <0.1μm
• ±6° of angular alignment (Xϴ, Yϴ, Zϴ axes) with positional accuracy <0.01°
• A new implementation of the 3SAE Ring of Fire® (ROF) technology provides superior thermal stability for applications from 125μm to 2.5mm fiber diameter.
• Sophisticated machine vision provides the highest alignment quality and facilitates detailed process evaluation. Two Orthogonal (X & Y) live views of the splice during
the splicing process.
• End-Caps
• Bundles
• Dissimilar splices
• Large diameter fibers (125um to 2.5mm)
• Multi Core Fibers & High power lasers
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